Association ByLaws

Harwich Police Association, Inc. Since 1963

Incorporated August 20, 1963
As amended to and including June 8, 1994

Association ByLaws (PDF)

The name of this Association shall be the Harwich Police Association, Inc.


1. To assist in promoting the welfare of the community and its citizens; to be active and constructive in community projects; to foster and engage in civic activities and, through its actions, to further members of the Association and others as useful citizens of the community; to help the needy in the town; to sponsor scouting activities and to support charities; to aid in the character and in the lives of the children of the town, to take an active part in all things for the advancement of police work in the Town of Harwich; to assist in any way possible to any person gainfully employed by the police department who is injured or disabled and in connection with these purposes, to exercise and all powers which may be exercised by a corporation under Chapter 180 of the General Laws or any amendment or addition thereto.
2. It shall be the policy of the members of the Corporation to maintain a non-discriminatory policy with respect to sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin, creed or religion in the furtherance of the purposes for which the Corporation is formed.
3. The Corporation will be allowed to raise and expand funds to socially benefit the members of the Corporation. No part of the earnings of the Corporation shall ensure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for the services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the purposes set forth. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


1. There shall be the following officers of this Association: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) Directors and two (2) Auditors. Two Directors and two Auditors shall be Associate Members. The officers may be elected from Active, Associate or Life Members. All officers and auditors shall be on the Board of Directors.
2. President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all regular and special meetings of the Association; to see that all the officers perform their duties; to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in by-laws. The president shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees of the Association.
3. First Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to act in the absence or illness of the President and to assist the President in the duties of his/her office.
4. Second Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to act in the absence of the First vice-President and assist the President and First Vice-President in their duties.
5. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the Association and to keep a true and perfect record of same; to attend to all correspondence; to maintain a post office box for the receipt of Association mail; to prepare and send all notices of regular and special meetings; to maintain an accurate list of the names and addresses of all members; to receive all dues from members, giving a receipt if requested; to give written notification to any member who is delinquent in the payment of dues; to perform such other duties as may be described by the Board of Directors.
6. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of and have custody of all funds and monies and bonds and securities of the Association; to receive all dues from the Secretary; and to pay out of the funds of the Association such sums as may be approved by the Board of Directors and/or members of the Association; to keep a true and perfect record of all financial transactions. All checks issued by the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer. All checks of $250.00 (two-hundred and fifty dollars) shall require the signature of both the President and Treasurer. The Treasurer and President shall be bonded in such a manner and in such amounts as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall have the authorization to pay recurring monthly expenses upon receipt of such invoices i.e., postal expenses, stationary expenses, flowers and fruit baskets. The Treasurer is also responsible for all non-profit federal (Form 990) and State (Annual reports and Form PC) filings annually.
7. Auditors: There shall be two (2) Auditors whose duty it shall be at the end of each quarter, to audit and endorse the checkbooks of the Association.
8. Annual Report: Annual written reports will be performed by a Certified Public Accountant of all the funds and the results of the audit and any recommendations in detail.


1. There shall be four (4) classes of membership in the Association: Active, Associate, Life and Honorary. Active membership shall include al full-time Harwich Police Department personnel and year-round special officers. As Active members no dues will be paid to the Association. Associate members shall include members who are not police officers. Life members are members who by, outstanding service to the Association and Community, have been elected to this class by a majority vote of their fellow members shall pay no dues to the Association. Honorary membership may be conferred upon any person b virtue of his or her office or service to the State, County or Community.
2. All applications for membership in this Association shall be in writing on a form prescribed by the Association; and each application for Associate membership shall be accompanied by a one-time membership fee of $10 (ten dollars), and a year’s dues of $10 (ten dollars). Honorary members shall be elected without formal application upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors. All applications for membership shall be investigated by the membership committee and of three (3) members who shall file a written report with the Secretary on or before the next regular meeting following the proposal of membership. All applicants may be elected to membership at a regular meeting by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and in good standing.
3. Active, Associate and Life-members shall be entitled to attend all meetings and to vote provided they have attended the previous meeting and may be elected to hold office in the Association. Honorary members shall be entitled to hold any office.
4. Definition of a member in good standing: A member must have attended at least six (6) meetings per fiscal year. The fiscal year of the Harwich Police Association, Inc. will run from September through August of the following year to coincide with the date of the incorporated charter.


In the event of a death, illness or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed his/her office and duties. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Director, a special election may be held not less than fourteen (14) days after the notice thereof, and such persons so elected to fill vacancies shall serve until the next regular election of officers.


Any Association officer who neglects his or her duties or who is absent for four (4) consecutive meetings without just cause may be removed from office by a majority vote of those present and voting at a regular meeting at which time he or she shall be given written notice of such action taken. Any Association officer may be removed for cause upon charged preferred in writing. Any Association officers may appeal said decision by requesting a hearing by a trial board. Said trial board shall consist of the Board of Directors and shall be presided over by the President of the Association.


A Quorum shall consist of seven (7) members in good standing.

Regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month. A special meeting shall be called by the President or upon the application of at least ten (10) members in good standing. Such applications shall be made to the Secretary who shall call the meeting within ten (10) days, setting forth fully the purpose thereof.


1. The Board of the Directors shall have general supervision and management over the affairs of the Association and shall determine all matters of policy, including the investment of any funds of the Association and all other particulars which are not, by these by-laws, specifically covered.
2. A quorum for a Board of Directors meeting shall consist of seven (7) members of the Board of Directors.
3. Within the Board of Directors shall be a special committee appointed by the president (not less than three (3)) to investigate special needs under Article X.


1. No expenditure of money from the funds of the Association in excess of $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars) shall be made at any meeting except by the approval of the Board of Directors. Approval may be made by written or verbal consent to the President.
2. Any expenditures of money from the Association funds for special needs must have the approval of seven (7) members of the Board of Directors.


Dues shall be $10.00 (ten dollars) per year and shall become due and payable on September 1st of each year to coincide with the fiscal year. Any member two (2) months in arrears shall automatically be suspended from membership thirty (30) days after written notice of such arrears from the Secretary.


Any member suspended for non-payment of dues may, upon written application to the Secretary and upon payment of all dues in arrears plus the current years’ dues, be reinstated upon a majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting. Any member more than one (1) year in arrears shall be expelled from the Association and shall not be entitled for reinstatement but shall be considered for membership only upon new application and payment of all dues in arrears.


All notices of regular meetings shall be given in writing by the Secretary to each Life and Associate member to his address at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting. Posting of meeting notices shall be sufficient notice for Active members. Special meetings may be called in such a manner as the President may direct. All members shall be notified.



Any member of the Association who is accused of misconduct may, after investigation, be subject to expulsion from the Association after a hearing by the Trial Board presided over by the President. Any member charged with misconduct may be tried by the Trial Board in absentia or may appear before the Trial Board and may be represented by counsel at his/her own expense. The decision of the Trial Board shall be final and there shall be no appeal.


There shall be the following standing committees who shall be appointed annually by the President:
Ways and Means Committee: A minimum of three (3) members; i.e. letter solicitation and or other fundraisers.
Nominating Committee: A minimum of three (3) members as set forth in Article XVI of the by-laws.
Finance Committee: The Treasurer and two (2) members, one of which shall be an Associate or Life Member. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to prepare and present the Association with an annual budget for a twelve (12) month period and to be voted upon at the regularly scheduled meeting by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership.
Goodwill Committee: A minimum of three (3) members to be responsible for the sending of cards, flowers, fruit baskets etc. to all members and family members and friends of the Association, in cases of illness, hospitalization and bereavement. A donation may be sent to a charitable/non-profit organization in lieu of the above at the request of a bereaved family.
Scholarship Committee: Annual scholarships may be awarded to deserving students of Harwich High School, Cape Cod Technical High School and/or a student continuing in a school of higher or extended learning. Each student will be required to submit an application. Selected candidates will then be interviewed prior to final grading. The scholarship will be made in full or installments at the discretion of the committee. Any scholarship is contingent upon documentation of the successful completion of the first semester and acceptance for the second semester. Before payment can be made, proof of successful completion and acceptance must be submitted to:

Harwich Police Association, Inc.
PO BOX 307
Harwich, MA 02645


Membership Committee: It is the duty of the membership committee to seek new members in addition to the guidelines set forth in Article IV.


All of the committees shall be deemed as special committees; i.e. Christmas, Santa, Department Sports. Education, Physical Fitness or any other committees. These committees will be appointed as needed by the President.


Elections shall be held annually on the second Wednesday of September. The nominating committee shall present in writing, not later than the second Wednesday in August, a list of nominations of Officers for the next fiscal year. The Chairman of the nominating committee shall preside over the meeting of the annual election of officers. Elections shall be by written ballot and a majority vote of those present and in good standing; voting shall constitute and election.


These by-laws may be altered, suspended, amended or new by-laws adopted by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present and voting at any regular meeting of the Association after thirty (30) days notice in writing from the Secretary to each Active, Associate and Life member in good standing. The notice shall be send to each member at his address and shall set forth the article(s) of the by-laws to be considered. Temporary suspension of the rules may be called for by the Chairman provided each suspension does not conflict with the Board of Directors supervision and management, and with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and in good standing.


Application for Associate Membership shall require a reason for desired membership. Application forms for other than Honorary membership shall state that the applicant is not an will not become an Active member of any other department organization in the Town of Harwich.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these by-laws.


1. Provision for Dissolution – Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of the assets of the corporation in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, education, religious or scientific purposes and shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law)


Rules Changes

Meeting Date


September 16, 1992 When all Training Funds of the Harwich Police Department have been exhausted, any Harwich Police Department Personnel can request training assistance on a one-to-one need basis as set forth in the following manner:
1. The person requesting assistance will first go to the Education Committee Chair of the Harwich Police Association two (2) weeks prior to the next regular meeting.
2. The Education Committee will review the request to determine if the training will benefit the Town of Harwich Police Department and the Town of Harwich.
3. The Education Committee will then bring the request to the Harwich Police Association for discussion and vote.


August 11, 1993 Limit funding for entries to the Norman Fennel Golf Tournament to four (4) full tickets.


June 9, 1994 Require Scholarship Committee to submit a list of the number and dollar amount of proposed scholarships to be voted on before they are awarded and winners are announced.


March 11, 1995 A member of the Audit Committee shall be authorized to sign checks as well as the President and Treasurer.


March 11, 1995 In the event of the death of a department member, the Association will pay the proceeds of the Association Insurance Policy. It will also pay for the reception following the funeral of any member of the Association. In the event of a hardship the Association will advance funds against the policy to be reimbursed upon payment of the policy.


March 11, 1995 Any request for funding of $250 (two-hundred and fifty dollars) or more shall be submitted, in writing, to the President, by the 1st Wednesday of each month, for consideration by the Board prior to submittal to the full Association.





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